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Centro Paraguayo de Estudios Canadienses
Gral Santos 606 c/ Juan de Salazar.
Asunción, Paraguay

Telefax: (595-21) 202 630

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End of the Year Report - 2009

The year 2009 has been challenging for the Centro Paraguayo de Estudios Canadienses. CPEC received more speakers than any other year and had the privilege to organize the congress in which all Canadian Associations and Canadianists from various countries gathered to make a series of presentations toward “Understanding Canadaâ€. CPEC also hosted the fourth seminar on sustainable tourism, and received professionals involving law and food technology. The Paraguayan Center signed agreements and promoted Canadian studies to Paraguayans.

On February, the president of CPEC, Stael Ruffinelli  signed an agreement with representatives of ITAIPU Binacional  and the University of Manitoba in hopes of promoting studies in Canada involving disciplines like engineering,  technology and different fields that would enrich our professionals.


On July 8th CPEC presented the Fourth International Seminar on Tourism Development. The conference was be held from July 8th to July 10th at the Secretaría Nacional de Turismo (SENATUR). This conference aimed students that are taking the Tourism course and the general public.

The seminar counted with various speakers from Columbia University (Paraguay), Americana University (Paraguay) and Capilano University (Canada) and SENATUR. As an example of the renowned speakers, from Capilano University, Luis Villalba, ABD, gave a seminar on tourist organizations. CPEC also received Rick Davies from Canada who presented about the Ñeembucú circuit in Paraguay.

On July 17th, CPEC hosted Dr. Patrick James, president from the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) and Dr. Carolyn James from Columbia, Missouri, to give a seminar on Constitutional Politics in Canada after the Charter at Universidad del Norte.  Luis Villalba from Capilano University also gave a presentation on Labour Mobility and Dr. Rick Lemon, from British Columbia gave a presentation on Maximizing Potential tourism in British Columbia-Vancouver.  Dr. Carolyn James taught a class on Canadian-US Security Cooperation at the Post-Graduate Program of Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la  Asunción.

Dr Greg Blank and Dr. Arnold Hydamaka, both from Manitoba University, Canada made two presentations regarding functional foods and food safety at San Carlos University. As a result, CPEC had a very large audience consisting in students from various universities, and professionals including the university mentioned above.

On September, CPEC had its major challenge organizing the I Conference Of The Americas In Paraguay-Understanding Canada: Law, Development, Education, Human Rights and The Environment.  CPEC gathered associations from Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, United States and Canada. Prior to the congress, the president of  Centro Paraguayo de Estudios Canadienses visited over  ten private and national universities in hopes of inviting students from different disciplines and also to establish a bond for future projects.  CPEC also received professionals from various Universities.

During and after the Congress, CPEC hosted two artists from Brazil and Canada.  Rosa Berardo, president of the Brazilian Association for Canadian Studies made an exhibition on Indigenous photographs sponsored by CPEC at Museo del Barro in Asuncion. Heather Shillinglaw, Métis artist from Canada gave several seminars and workshops to children and teachers from different schools and indigenous regions. 

Dr. Robert Renaud from Manitoba University taught three seminars on various subjects involving disciplines like English teaching and psychology.

In May, the president of CPEC Stael Ruffinelli de Ortiz has also participated at the ASAEC’s VII International Congress on Globalization, Gender and Human Rights, held in Buenos Aires and to the annual meeting of the ICCS with the kind invitation of DFAIT at the end of May in Quèbec City.

ASAEC invited CPEC’s president and vice president, Dr. Carlos Darío Ruffinelli to attend their annual meeting of the Association and their centers.  CPEC signed an agreement with the Asociación Argentina de Estudios Canadienses. This alliance consists in a cooperation in every field and contribution to the regional development in both countries. Both parties would have the benefit of organizing conferences, seminars and workshops.



Posters from different conferences.